Heroes are those who are bold enough to choose to meet the demand of their times. They usually come in various shapes, shades and sizes; some from extremely challenging backgrounds and others had regular live; rich and poor; tall and short; some physically challenged while others were not, some celebrated and recognised others relatively unknown and unsung. Also, the issues for which they stood varied widely and the circumstances that forge them into heroes equally diverse.
Regardless of these differences one thing that unites them, is the fire of conviction that drives them to do what they do and stand for what they believe;
Martin Luther king Jr dreamt of an equal society in United States of America, where the blacks had the same rights and privileges as whites, though he died fighting for his cause what he lived for has become a reality; Mary Slessor fought against the killing of twins in a society where it was regarded as a norm, she ultimately defeated this evil; the disciples of Christ who carried his message of hope and salvation, counting not suffering, humiliation and even death as worthy hindrances. To the Wright brothers who showed the world how to fly in an era where it was thought that the skies were the absolute preserve of birds; closer to home, the founding fathers of the Nigeria who wrestled Nigeria out of foreign domination, to Awolowo who sought to liberate the minds of the Yoruba's from the shackles of ignorance by making education available to all, some relatively unknown and unsung, like the man, a couple of years back at the ogba -ojodu junction who made it his preoccupation to conduct the traffic on that junction making life easier for the motorists, without being told to or receiving pay for it.
A closer look at these heroes, one realizes that having convictions is not enough or villains like Adolph Hitler would be worthy of such appellations, considering the zeal and sense of mission with which he prosecuted his anti-Semitic campaign against the Jews, It remains unequaled in the annals of history and the fact that he almost conquered Europe, if not for the courage of men like Churchill and Roosevelt, the course of history would have been changed forever.
What then defines heroes are that the noble and lofty ideals for which they stand for leads to the improvement of the general condition of humanity and progress of mankind and invariably making the lives of those around them better. What they stand for is in no way injurious to the sanctity rights and lives of their fellow men but rather promotes them. They are not afraid to go against conventions and challenge the status quo they hold conscience as their higher law.It is said that we are the sum total of the choices we make and the decisions we take. Likewise heroes are created by their own bold choices and noble decisions and like it or not the world and Nigeria is also in need of them because they are never enough.
More importantly every one of us is a potential hero irrespective if our field, background, status or whatever self imposed yardstick we may use to categorise ourselves. when we start to choose to stand for what is right, to give our best act in conscience, correct ills by demanding high standards from ourselves, with the intent of bettering the lot of mankind and our immediate society than we making ourselves into heroes. it may be as little as refusing a bribe, that is something in a country stepped in corruption like ours.
There is more to say but i would love to stop with the beautiful words of Teddy Roosevelt “It is not the critic who counts nor the man who points were the strong man stumbled or the doer of the deed could have done it better. The credit belongs to the man in the arena whose face is marred by dust, sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs, and who comes up short again and again, who knows the enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself in a worthy cause. The man who at best knows the triumph of high achievements and who at worst, if he fails, fails while daring greatly, so that his place will never be with those cold timid souls who never knew victory or defeat". It takes courage to be a hero.
Babatunde Akinwale
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